Lasso = { SRC: (new String(document.location).match(/[^:]*:\/\/[^\/]*(\/[^\?|$|#]*)/)[1]), URL: "LJAX.LassoApp", VERSION: "0.0.1", REQUEST: undefined, APPNAME: "default", /* The data for a LJAX target is requested from within the client-side JavaScript by using the Lasso.includeTarget() function. This function accepts the following parameters: 'targets' - The name or an array of names of the target(s) to retrieve. 'options' - An object containing properties for the following: 'args' - The argument string or an element such as a form, anchor or other input element that will be used to create the argument string which will be sent with the request 'func' - If this optional function is provided, it will be called to handle the resulting data. This function will be passed the XMLHttpRequest object used for the request and the value of the 'param' parameter 'param' - The parameter which is passed to the 'func' to handle the resulting data. This is only utilized if 'func' is provided 'afterFunc' - This optional function will be called, with the XMLHttpRequest as it's only parameter after completing the include. 'argsoverride' - Optional object containing the values that will be substituted for the matching values found in the 'args' object. For example, if argsoverride contained a property x with a value of y, and the args object was a form which contained an input field x, the value of y would be used regardless of the actual value of x in the form. 'scripts' - By default any script blocks within the downloaded XML code are processed after the elements with matching IDs are merged. If this option is set to false then scripts will not be processed. */ includeTarget: function(targets, options) { var str = '-src=' + escape(this.SRC) + '&'; if (typeof(targets) == 'string') { str += '-target=' + escape(targets); } else { try { for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; ++i) { if (i != 0) str += '&'; str += '-target=' + escape(targets[i]); } } catch(e){ alert(e); } } if (options && options.args != undefined) { if (typeof(options.args) == 'string') { str += '&' + options.args; } else { try { var res = this.encodeValuesFor(options.args, options.argsoverride); if (res && res.length) str += '&' + res; }catch(e){} } } return this.fetchRequest(undefined, str, (options && options.func != undefined) ? options.func : function(req, param) { var xml = undefined; if (req.responseXML) { var elem = req.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('ljax'); if (elem && elem.length > 0) xml = elem[0]; } if (xml == undefined || xml.nodeName != 'ljax') { if (req.responseText && req.responseText.length > 0) document.write(req.responseText); return; } for (var idx = 0; idx < xml.childNodes.length; ++idx) { var thisXml = xml.childNodes[idx]; // skip text nodes if (thisXml.nodeType == 3) continue; var id = thisXml.getAttribute('id'); if (thisXml && thisXml.nodeType == 1 && id) { var repNode = document.getElementById(id); if (repNode) { var src = ''; if (thisXml.innerHTML) { src = thisXml.innerHTML; } else if (thisXml.xml) { for (var innerIdx = 0; innerIdx < thisXml.childNodes.length; ++innerIdx) { src += thisXml.childNodes[innerIdx].xml; } } else if (document.importNode) { thisXml = document.importNode(thisXml, true); src = thisXml.innerHTML; } repNode.innerHTML = src; } } } if (options && (options.scripts != undefined) && (options.scripts != true)) { // Do Not Process Scripts } else if (req.responseXML) { // Process Scripts var elem = req.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('script'); for (var idx = 0; idx < elem.length; ++idx) { var source = elem[idx].innerHTML; if ((source == undefined) || (source == '')) source = elem[idx].text; var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; try { script.appendChild(document.createTextNode(source)); } catch(e) { } script.text = source; document.getElementById(id).appendChild(script); } } }, options? options.param : undefined, options? options.afterFunc : undefined); }, onreadystatechange: function() // some implementations (Safari) send an Event as a param here { if (Lasso.REQUEST.readyState == 4) { if (Lasso.ljaxCallback != undefined) { // this code is set up so that the ljaxCallbackPostFunc can re-issue another includeTarget call // without the cleanup in here undoing any of it's work // if this code is altered, make sure it is done safely with this in mind Lasso.ljaxCallback(Lasso.REQUEST, Lasso.ljaxCallbackSecondParam); Lasso.ljaxCallback = undefined; Lasso.ljaxCallbackSecondParam = undefined; Lasso.REQUEST.abort(); // have to call abort here or IE won't let you reuse the request if (Lasso.ljaxCallbackPostFunc != undefined) { var funcCopy = Lasso.ljaxCallbackPostFunc; Lasso.ljaxCallbackPostFunc = undefined; funcCopy(Lasso.REQUEST); } } } else { } }, fetchRequest: function(url, value, callback, callbackSecondParam, postFunc) { if (this.REQUEST == undefined) { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { this.REQUEST = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { this.REQUEST = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } } if (url == undefined) { url = this.URL; } if (this.REQUEST) { this.ljaxCallback = callback; this.ljaxCallbackSecondParam = callbackSecondParam; this.ljaxCallbackPostFunc = postFunc; this.REQUEST.onreadystatechange = this.onreadystatechange;"POST", url, true); this.REQUEST.setRequestHeader('X-LJAX-VERSION', this.VERSION); this.REQUEST.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); this.REQUEST.send(value); return true; } return false; }, encodeValuesFor: function(input, override) { if (override == undefined) override = {}; var str = ''; var nodeName = input.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (nodeName == 'form') { for (var i = 0; i < input.elements.length; ++i) { if (i != 0) str += '&'; str += this.encodeValuesFor(input.elements[i], override); } } else if (nodeName == 'input' || nodeName == 'textarea') { str += escape( + '=' + escape(override[] != undefined? override[] : input.value); } else if (nodeName == 'a') { var idx = input.href.indexOf('?'); if (idx != -1) str += input.href.substring(idx+1); // no input == else nothing to send } else if (nodeName == 'select') { if (override[]) { str += escape( + '=' + escape(override[]); } else { var didOne = false; for (var i = 0; i < input.options.length; ++i) { if (input.options[i].selected) { if (didOne) str += '&'; didOne = true; str += + '=' + input.options[i].value; } } } } return str; } }